My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I loved this one! I was disappointed with the last two books but I love Stephanie Plum so much, I read this as soon as I could get it - and it was so good! Stephanie is cursed, her and Lula have the usual adventures, and there's still the Ranger/Morelli dilemma - but it seems a bit fresher than it has been in a while. I hope this upswing continues with the next book!
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Found your site from the post at PBS that got me in trouble but one good thing came out of it, I fund your blog!!!!
Lori C./Dollycas
Ah, 17!! When my girl passed from this
world into the Most Loving Arms of her
Creator. Follow us to 7thHeaven and
Upstairs we'll be reunited, gorgeous:
● en.gravatar.com/MatteBlk ●
Cya soon, miss adorable...
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